Development of a Digital Stereo-Vision System for Robot 3D Tracking
by: George O’Neill
Three-dimensional point reconstruction using stereophotogrammetry and the Direct Linear Transformation (DLT) method are the areas of research undertaken for this thesis to determine the three-dimensional coordinates of unknown points. The system was first calibrated, and then employed to measure the trajectory of a robot. This research involved the implementation and evaluation of a close-range stereophotogrammetric system. This system consisted of an off-the-shelf video camera and image processing personal computer (PC) cards, a mirror to act as the second ‘virtual’ camera, and ‘C’ language program implementing the DLT mathematical model. Once the system was calibrated, it was used to track the end-effector of a six degree-of-freedom robot.
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Startup Views From a Founder
by: George O’Neill
Being the founder of a business is one of the most rewarding and simultaneously challenging undertakings one may encounter.
Identifying a market opportunity that fulfills a real consumer need creates a business opportunity, and of course presents risk. Finding the right financing structure to maximize that opportunity and to minimize the inherent risk is a dance that founders and investors engage in. Founders often talk about the importance of achieving product-market fit for the businesses we are creating. Another key fundamental is also ensuring there is founder-investor fit, and trust.
- Calacanis, J., How To Invest in Technology Startups-Timeless Advice from an Angel Investor, Harper Collins, 2017.
- Feld, B., The Illusion of Product/Market Fit, Feld Thoughts Blog, 2015.
- Herold, C., Vivid Vision, Lioncrest, 2018.